Saturday, January 22, 2011


I just figured out how to make proper squeeky cheese curds -- of course unheard of here -- so as soon as i've lost the target 20lbs and am off this stinking sucky diet, I will be eating POUTINE!  Hooray!

So here's how to make Squeaky Cheese Curds:
heat a couple of gallons of milk (I did a batch with 12litres, and made most into cheese but kept about 1/3 of it aside for this experiment ) to 38 degrees (celcius), add the appropriate amount of rennet (depending on how much milk and depending on your rennet) and leave until the curd forms, about 30 minutes.

Cut the curd (just google instructions on how to cut curd) in to squares about 2cm, heat slowly up to 60 degrees stirring constantly -- its the stirring combined with the heat that keeps the curd pieces separate and allows a little crust to form on each piece for the squeaky effect.

Allow to cool down, drain the curds and run hot water over will stirring them in the strainer.

Salt and serve...yummmm!  Nice and squeaky, they feel and taste just like curds should, but I haven't tried with the fries and gravy yet, so don't know if they will melt right...we'll just have to see!!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy cheese curds...Who doesn't love cheese curds, and who loves to diet? Cheese curds and diet do not belong in the same sentence...Good luck with both!
