Sunday, April 8, 2012

Quick Updates...

I must learn the technique of the super fast blog post...things are going by so quickly, and so much is happening, but everytime I think of posting I imagine all epic discourses I want to expound and I run out of steam before I even begin...I think there must be space in here for a two minute post as well as the 2 hour in depth posts. Better numerous quickies than months of abstinence??

So, anyway, here is my attempt at a quickie and hopefully it will free the way to go into some detailed discussions later on this week...Here's what's happening!!

1) the park authority met us, said "yeah, only a farmer would wear a hat like that, sure you can build there" so we are back on with the projects, though have used the hiatus to make some important changes -- when they are finalised I will post pics!

2) Spring is in full swing, we have new chicks and have started the planting.  The peas are in, the onions are truckin' along, and the beans went in this weekend.  Next week, potatoes.  The bees have awoken and are buzzing around all the flowering fruit trees -- many new ones added over the winter, including 18 new blueberries, lots of peaches, nectarines, apricots, and more pears and apples.

3) WE HAVE OUR GOATS!!  The babies arrived last week and are the cutest of the cute.  They add a whole new dimension to the work load, and Gab is now running a full nursery as well as everything else...warm milk twice a day in bottles to 13 critters...let's just say he gets home pretty late these days!

We are gathering the first harvests of spring, which, quite interestingly, have nothing to do with agriculture and everything to do with mother nature...the wild greens are the first to be edible, long before the farmers' seeds even get in the ground.  There's a whole post coming on the amazing and delicious wild plants that are so so common!

Happy Easter everybody!!

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